Saturday Morning Coffee

Good morning! It’s Christmas Eve – for those who celebrate!

Look, I’m a native California boy. It’s mostly sunshine and warm weather year round. Sure we’d get down in the high 20s overnight on rare occasion, but nothing like we’ve experienced in Virginia this week. It’s been pretty darned frigid. The temperature at the moment is a balmy 8 degrees outside, with a feels like of -7. That’s just wild!

Anywho, first cup of coffee is in the mug. Time to compose the post. ☕️

Spicy Mexican Coffee

Mike Hurley

Many people using PCalc on their shiny devices today don’t realise that the app has been around for a lot longer than they think. In some cases, a lot longer than they’ve been thinking.

Happy Birthday PCalc! 🎂

It’s impressive to have an active 30 year run with a piece of software. Congratulations on 30 years and counting James Thomson!

Craig Hockenberry

By now, you probably know where this is going: yes, I wrote my own utility and call it SimBuddy. It’s a FREE download from the Iconfactory.

Craig Hockenberry is a long time Mac and iOS Developer. He’s best known as the creator of the first Twitter client, Twitterrific, but he’s also developed many fun and useful apps for the Iconfactory.

If Apple gave out lifetime achievement awards, Craig would be deserving of one.

Thanks for another great development tool, Craig!

Joel Spolsky

Well, yes. They did. They did it by making the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make: They decided to rewrite the code from scratch.

This is an oldie-but-goodie. The Joel on Software piece above is from 2000 and touches on something that can destroy a company quicker than anything: rewriting software.

The article was brought up somewhere this week because Musk is reportedly looking to rewrite Twitter.

I mean, dang, dude! Maybe try to understand how all the things work together before jumping to that conclusion. A lot of cool stuff was happening before you blew the place up.

I’ve been trying to stay away from linking to Twitter but I couldn’t resist this tweet because it captures something a lot of modern devs should hear.

Basically the tweet thread goes on to explain how broken Apple’s development process was broken on a particular team.

I’m not saying alternate forms of development are necessarily bad but grinding devs into the ground is not good, at all. People need time to live, and sleep.


It’s not just Tesla investors who are at their wit’s end with CEO Elon Musk, who has been making a huge mess of his Twitter takeover.

Ah, yes, The Musk Effect. He’s dragging Tesla down with Twitter and I’m shocked the Tesla Board hasn’t fired him.

Tech Dirt

But, really, after all this, I cannot fathom how anyone can possibly get all that excited about joining yet another centralized social media site. Perhaps I’m biased (note: I am biased) because it was my frustration with the problems of these big, centralized social media services that made me write my Protocols, Not Platforms paper a few years ago. But, after all of that, the big question that kept coming up about it was “sure, but how would you get anyone to actually use it.”

Here’s to the Open Web making a comeback! We now have Mastodon and to fill our Twitter mojo and both run on open standards like ActivityPub and RSS.

Dare Obasanjo

A friend asked what I think will happen to Twitter. Here’s my assessment

Nice little Mastodon thread from Dare sharing his thoughts on the Twitter mess.

Denise Yu

You’d like to have time to code, but nobody else is onboarding the junior engineers, updating the roadmap, talking to the users, noticing the things that got dropped, asking questions on design documents, and making sure that everyone’s going roughly in the same direction.

This piece from Denice is required reading for any Software Developer. It explores the position know as Staff Engineer or Principle Engineer in many companies today.

At WillowTree was have a dual track for Software Developers after the Senior level; Staff Engineer or Associate Engineering Director.

I personally reached a point where I decided it was time to change direction and focus on building teams instead of coding, so I became an Associate Engineering Director.

It is interesting to note the Staff and Director positions overlap in significant ways but also have very unique traits. The Director position is a people management and team building position, the Staff position does deep dives into technology and can master just about anything.

Anywho, go read Denise’s piece, it’s very good.

Alexandre Colucci

Eat your own dog food.

Like in the past years, I will try to answer a couple of questions: How many binaries are in iOS 16? Which programming languages are used to develop these apps? How many apps are written with Swift? What is the percentage of apps using SwiftUI versus UIKit?

I had to share this because I too find it interesting to know how much Apple is eating their own dog food when it comes to their developer technologies.

Swift seems to be making real inroads and SwiftUI (worst name ever) is starting to show itself.

I’ve been thinking about doing Stream for Mac with SwiftUI. It is the future of development on the Mac and iOS. All devs need to learn it at some point.

Dan Sinker

Newsrooms should not spin up instances for their reporters partially because this is too new to dedicate strapped staff to

I’ve been pushing the idea of news companies spinning up their own Mastodon servers. Dan does make a good point about not doing that. If Mastodon could be enhanced to export all posts to another instance I have a feeling Dan wouldn’t be as opposed to the idea. As it stands you can move instances but it only keeps your followers, you lose your posts. That’s no bueno.

Adam Davidson

We want the field of journalism to take ownership of the ways stories are distributed and audiences are engaged.

With the most recent flight of users from Twitter Mr. Davidson spun up an instance of Mastodon for journalists. That was a brilliant idea and provides a bit of distance from the journalist to their organization. It’s a great alternative to news orgs spinning up their own.

The Atlantic

There has never been any mystery about what happened on January 6, 2021. As Senator Mitch McConnell said at Trump’s second impeachment trial, “There’s no question—none—that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.”

In many ways I’ve lost confidence in our Justice system because it treats the rich, politicians, and white people differently than everyone else. Combine more than one of those traits and you’re likely to walk away unscathed where someone who works at the coffee shop, is poor, and dark skinned is totally screwed.

It’s not right. TFG must be brought to Justice. Our system requires it if our democracy is to survive.

Ghost Only

How to have a good internet experience in 8 easy steps

I usually avoid posts that include “steps” or “X reasons” because they’re usually really bad click bait type articles. This one isn’t. Go check it out.

Tiny Apple Core

I’ve never been in weather like this, that’s why I’m posting so much.

It’s wild!

A Kind Word

A wonderful bouquet of flowers.I received an email out of the blue from a co-worker from years ago. He was a Software Engineer in Test who wrote code to test code. The project was an SDK.

I had no idea I left an impression on him but I’m honored to know I did. I had wonderful mentors during my time with Visio who all left me in awe of their kindness and willingness to impart their wisdom with a young, energetic, kid that knew very little but was willing to learn.

Anywho, here’s part of what he said. ❤️

just wanted to say that I made the leap from test to developer many years ago and feel that I’m quite adept at it at this point. Of course I had to overcome the imposter syndrome for a while in retrospect (and still fighting it a bit now) but I just wanted to say thank you. You were one of the few devs that would listen to my input and also take my “advice” on where I thought bugs were stemming from. You really helped me, whether you knew it or not, build my confidence that I knew at least a little bit about what I was taking about lol. I know it was probably nothing big to you but I felt like you really treated me as a peer rather than some “tester” that didn’t know what he was taking about. Which I felt was sadly the norm a lot of the time.

Just chillin’.

What the?

A cute little monkey. Something strange happened last night. I got up to head to the toilet, was kind of clearing my throat, and as I went through the den I passed out. 😳

I fell into Kim’s antique radio cabinet, that had been turned into a curio cabinet years ago, and it wound up on top of me. All the glass broke out of it as well as breaking some of the fragile glass pieces inside.

This month has been such a mess. I feel like I’ve been piled on, physically and mentally, and I can’t wait for it to end.

We’re hovering around the freezing mark today, with rain throughout the day and into the evening.

Our overnight lows will probably turn everything into a giant ice rink with a chance of snow on top.

Father Christmas makes his once a year appearance.


It looks like things are going to get very interesting over the next week here in the south. 🥶

It doesn’t look like we’re expecting a lot of snow, which is good, because heavy snow knocked our power out in January of this year and it was darned frigid in the house. I can’t imagine how cold it’ll be in the house with outside temperatures in single digits.

I’ve only been in single digit weather once and that was a feels like temperature.

Bundle up y’all!

Early AM Brain Dump

I was given Prednisone to help heal up my back. This stuff does horrible things to me. Like waking up at 3AM.

Brain in a jarMy brain is going a million miles per hour. This is what happens when I enter a manic phase, but I’m pretty sure it’s the meds this time.

Some thoughts. This is a brain dump after all.


I need to get to work on Stream, like desperately. My last release added a teeny tiny feature that I started two days after Christmas in 2021! That’s pathetic.

Stream for Mac is languishing. It’s not in an alpha state yet. It can successfully open its database, refresh feeds you’re subscribed to, and update the UI. It must be done, right? Hardly. There’s so much to do.

When I decided to do Stream for Mac I went with AppKit for everything. Now I’m wondering if I should go all in on SwiftUI? Currently leaning yes.

Mastodon is fantastic!

Yep, that’s right, Mastodon is fantastic. I got my account some time in late 2017 or early 2018, I don’t remember exactly when. Once I understood it a bit better I spun up my own instance and haven’t looked back, I’m loving it.

Mastodon on the Mac

I know of one native Mac App for Mastodon: Mastonaut. It’s now opened sourced and I’d love to spend some time on it. How much time will I spend on it? See my earlier comments above about Stream. Unlikely, but I’d love to.

If you’re a Mac Dev or Designer go help out the Mastonaut project. It could use some TLC.

What’s he thinking?

The Chief Chaos Monkey at Twitter continues his trip down the Q rabbit hole and is totally breaking parts of Twitter by banning folks who link to other sites he considers harmful. Of course Mastodon is on that list.

Of course he reversed that decision later and is now polling folks to see if he should step down as CEO. Who does that? I’ll tell you who. A man that can’t actually run a company, that’s who. Hire me, I’ll give it a shot.

The Back

My back is not so great at the moment. Is this what it’s like to age? I have a feeling it’s not this way for everyone, I mean, how could it be? I have more than a few things working against me. Genetics, obesity, being sedentary, and a totally disregard for my body as a youngster.

All of those things are working against me. I can take care of two; being sedentary and obesity.

Before having knee replacement surgery it was extremely difficult to be up and moving for longer than 30 minutes without looking for a place to sit. It was no way to live, I was existing.

Good news! I got that knee fixed and it’s doing really well! Then two weeks ago today I injured my back putting on a shoe and I’ve been in agony ever since. Last week was the worst. Over the weekend I started feeling a little better and by last night I could walk around – using my cane – without too much discomfort if I took it slow.

This morning it’s painful to do anything. The mornings are the worst. I’ll hit the shower in a bit and let some hot water run on it. It helps a bit.

Once my back is feeling better I must commit myself to, once again, lose weight. Exercise and watching what I eat are the two keys to my success. Both are easier said than done.

That’s it for a glimpse inside my brain this morning. 😃

Bulls on Parade is stuck in my brain this morning and I’m ok with that.

The Musk Files

Even I didn’t think @elonmusk would screw Twitter up this much.

It’s turned into a Right Wing Haven.

Tech Dirt

Look, I fucking warned Elon that this is exactly how it would go. It’s how it always goes.

Daily Kos

This week, its new owner, Elon Musk, signaled to his 121 million followers that, not only is he now red-pilled, but he too subscribes to the QAnon universe of conspiratorial beliefs—with a simple one-word/one-emoji tweet: “Follow [rabbit emoji].” Like much of Musk’s recent right-wing trolling, its simplicity offers plausible deniability, but “follow the white rabbit” is a well-established QAnon motto urging its adherents to plunge down its otherworldly conspiracist rabbit holes.

PC Magazine

The former CEO and co-founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, says it’s time to move on from the troubled social media platform and embrace a more open and decentralized approach.


Remember that ElonJet Twitter account? Well, under the site’s new CEO — the self-identified stalwart free speech champion Elon Musk — it just got suspended, despite Musk previously promising he would leave it alone.


Twitter owner Elon Musk says he’s pulling back the curtain on how the social network has handled high-profile content moderation decisions, including banning then-President Donald Trump after his supporters attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

UPDATE: I had posted an image here earlier that I found out was a fake, so I’ve removed it. Hat tip, Tommy Williams.

Lost Content

UPDATE: I was able to recover all my content because maintains versions of your posts! That is a life saving feature! 👍🏼

Wow, that’s a first. I just lost some content on 😔

I was making some edits to Saturday Morning Coffee to add additional links to things and after publishing I realized some prior edits are missing.

I’d imagine the folks are having issues related to the flight of folks from Twitter to better homes, among them.

Bringing back the joy

Mark Jardine

When I heard the news that the sale of Twitter went through, I was literally shaking. My family and I have had a rough year health-wise. My wife was diagnosed with Lupus and my 5 year old started having panic attacks out of nowhere that resulted in seizure-like symptoms. We had to up our health insurance premium to $2500 a month (Yay America!) for access to specialists previously not in our network. Then I had a bad crash on my bike where I had a concussion and lost consciousness.

A wonderful bouquet of flowers. Read the entire thread it’s a really great read by a Tapbots co-founder. They’ve gone all in on creating a brand spanking new app for Mastodon called Ivory and it’s stunning. I’d expect nothing less from this little company of two.

Beyond the iOS version I hear they’re bringing their Mac version to Mastodon as well. Sweet!

Now, if we could convince The Iconfactory to bring good ole Ollie to Mastodon I’d be happier than a pig in slop.

Saturday Morning Coffee

Good morning. I’ve just finished my first cup of joe time to do a little writing while the second cools a bit. ☕️

The back is still misbehaving and I’m over it. Don’t you wish it was that easy to heal something? You just say “I’m over it” and it’s magically fixed? Yeah, me too. Physical therapy, I’m coming to see you. Be kind to me.



Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have allegedly achieved the first-ever net energy gain in a nuclear fusion reaction, according to the Financial Times, which cited three unnamed sources with knowledge of the recent experiment.

I know this is just the beginning and it may take another 20 to 50 years to get where we need it to be. Hopefully we can keep the planet alive that long.

The Iconfactory

More than any other year in recent memory, 2022 brought big changes—some good, some bad, and some sad. During our 25 years in business we’ve learned to roll with all manner of punches and continue forging ahead. This year was no different.

I’m a huge fan of The Iconfactory. I use more than a few of their products, including Tot, which I’m using now to write this post.

I also use Twitterrific, xScope, and Wallaroo. Really great software, excellent people.

Comic Sands

Social media users cheered as Democratic President Joe Biden masterfully trolled former Republican President Donald Trump’s big “announcement” with a few announcements of his own.

President Biden announced a bunch of really nice accomplishments.

TFG’s big announcement was a bunch of NFT trading cards with his face superimposed over the top of various fit men. Laughable, but true.

The great grift continues. You too can own these gems for $99.00US. I wonder how many of his poor cult members fell for it? Poor saps. 🤣


Cavill, who has played Superman since 2013’s “Man of Steel,” took to Instagram on Wednesday to share the “sad news” that he would not be returning to the iconic role.

I loved Mr. Cavill as Superman and will miss him as The Man of Steel.

And to really rub salt in the wound he had to turn down his role as Geralt of Rivia in The Witcher, which kind of ruins that too. 🤬

Six Colors

Lawsuits, new laws, and proposed regulations have been swirling around Apple and some of its core business practices for years now. But on Tuesday came the first report—from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, perhaps the most reliable breaker of secret Apple news—that Apple’s planning on changing its App Store policies in major ways.

Apple allowing Third Party App Stores? What? Has hell frozen over?

Look, if we do get Third Party App Stores I Apple will require each of them to pass a percentage of each sale directly to Apple.

Tim Apple: “Welcome to the Apple Platform, Third Party App Store.”

Third Party: “Thank you, Tim. It’s good to be here.”

Tim Apple: “I’ll take 27% of every sale, due at the first of the month.”

Third Party: “😳”

Apple always wants their piece of the pie, so to speak. 🥧

The Washington Post

HOUSTON — Employees at the Texas Department of Public Safety in June received a sweeping request from Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office: Compile a list of individuals who had changed their gender on their Texas driver’s license and other department records during the past two years.

What is wrong with these people? Trans rights are human rights! Get lost Paxton. Texas, what a terrible state. Embarrassing and dangerous.

Our country lacks empathy for fellow human beings. It’s sickening.

Fulton News & Record

The men standing before the cameras in Moore County were sober-faced and serious as they addressed the intentional and targeted attacks on two electric substations the night before. Forty-five thousand residents lost power, schools and businesses closed, the county was forced to declare a state of emergency and curfew, and local communities were put both at risk and on edge.

So, yeah, this is what its come to. Militant groups destroying our infrastructure. Osama bin Laden didn’t need to strike at our country, we’re destroying ourselves.

The Foundation framework is used in nearly all Swift projects. It provides both a base layer of functionality for fundamentals like strings, collections, and dates, as well as setting conventions for writing great Swift code.

If you’ve written an app for iOS or Mac or any other Apple Platform you’ve used Foundation. I checked out the repository and there’s an awful lot of C code in there, which isn’t bad, but makes me wonder if the plan is to slowly replace all that C code with 100% Swift?

Kenny Kerr

The windows crate provides bindings for the Windows API, including C-style APIs as well as COM and WinRT APIs. This crate provides the most comprehensive API coverage for the Windows operating system. Where possible, the windows crate also attempts to provide a more idiomatic and safe programming model for Rust developers.

While Apple is all in on Swift, Microsoft is embracing Rust as their language of choice for low level orogramming. This new set of Windows “crates” as the Rust community calls them sounds like an excellent way to write Windows applications.

I find it really interesring it includes Win32 API’s, COM, and WinRT all rolled into one cohesive package. Hopefully the interface is consistent and hides all the ugly details. I have a feeling it does.


It’s not about doxxing. It’s about Elon.

Bingo. This entire time a man we all thought was some kind of genius was just another grifter. Don’t get me wrong, the man is smart, but I don’t think he’s a genius. He’s a narcissists and needs to be in the news. See, even I’m talking about him. That’s his super power.

Tiny Apple Core

Old and Tired

A wonderful bouquet of flowers.My back hates me. A week ago I hurt it putting on my shoe and it’s been rough ever since. Heck, it’s been downright painful.

I see my doctor tomorrow and I’m hoping it’s not too bad. It’s been a wreck since I hurt it the first time in my mid-20’s. One little mistake and POW! Back pain.

Aging hasn’t been kind to me and to make matters worse I’ve never been kind to myself. Couple that with genetics that gave me a predisposition to knee and back problems and you have a perfect storm for physical ailments.

Both of my brothers have had back surgeries and I had a knee replacement in August of this year.

I am very grateful I make my living in an office environment. I can’t imagine having to go out and do physical labor in this condition. I’m hurting enough today that I only made it through a half day of work.

Hopefully the doc can get me on the right track to recovery. I’d put money on physical therapy but I’m sure X-rays will point the way.

Free advice: Refuse to age. 😁

Arrived IAD 🛬

Now for the drive to Charlottesville and getting to sleep in my own bed.

Boarding SFO to IAD 🛫

Should get in around 9PM.

Touchdown! SFO 🛬

Now we wait a couple hours then homeward bound.

FAT to SFO 🛫

Saturday Morning Coffee

The week has come to an end. Grandma, the final of the grandparents, was laid to rest Wednesday, December 7. She had a very full 96 years. We miss you already, Grandma.

Now we head home. Bug — our daughter Taylor — and I are at Fresno-Yosemite International waiting for our plane to San Francisco. Sipping my quad-grande-vanilla-mocha and typing away on my iPhone. Coffee is good. ☕️

Cold Espresso

When Swift began life as an open source project, we wanted to open not just the language itself, but the ecosystem around it. Foundation has been instrumental in the success of decades of software and has been an integral part of the Swift developer experience from the beginning, and we knew it had to be included in the open source offering.

This is really nice to see. Apple does have a history of open source projects.

Swift is an amazing language and I’d love to see it spread to all operating systems. To write shared code for Mac, iOS, Windows, and Android, and have it be a first class citizen would be incredible.

C and C++ are still great choices for that of course and we now have Rust, which becomes more tempting with each article I read about it.


In late November, Amazon began making what are expected to be the largest corporate staff cuts in its 28-year history, axing as many as 10,000 corporate employees, or about 3 percent of the company’s office staff.

It’s sad to see a company have to lay off so many people, especially around the holidays.

Good vibes to all those affected.

Dart Engineering Blog

Over the last four years, we’ve evolved Dart into a fast, portable, and modern language. Our next release, Dart 3, completes the journey to a fully sound null safe language.

Another interesting language getting safer by the day. This could be a really interesting cross platform choice for model, network, and data persistence code if it doesn’t rely on an interpreter. Even if it does it makes me go hmmmm. 🤔

Also, Dart Engineering folks, use Blogger instead of Medium. It is a Google property after all.

Rolling Stone

Recipients of the Congressional Gold Medal didn’t shake hands with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy, at a ceremony on Tuesday.

Good. Those assholes don’t deserve to be recognized by any of us. Support an insurrection and the man who instigated it and you don’t deserve any respect.

The Sacramento Bee

When a man got lost deep in the dark Alaskan wilderness, it was his iPhone’s satellite that saved him.

I’ll be darned. It worked! 🥳

ReadySet Blog

Predictably, many Rust advocates (of which I am one) pointed out that this is exactly the kind of vulnerability that can be statically prevented by Rust, and is a clear example of where “Rewrite it in Rust” can have real benefits.

Speaking of Rust. We’re seeing a movement to Rust as a low level language. Even Microsoft is going to move to it for low level stuff. It would be really great to see it treated as a first class language by Apple and Microsoft in their respective IDE’s.

The Times

The Pentagon has given a tacit endorsement of Ukraine’s long-range attacks on targets inside Russia after President Putin’s multiple missile strikes against Kyiv’s critical infrastructure.

I like the idea of tactical strikes into Russian territory. After almost a year of defending themselves it’s nice to see Ukraine go on the offensive.

Putin has succeeded in making sure Ukraine becomes part of the United Nations. Nice job dude. 🤪

Seth Abramson

I have never had my social media account at any social media platform suspended. But it just happened at Mastodon, a place I have posted so few times that I can literally count them on a single hand.

I’d love to hear the other side of this story. Since Mastodon instances are not beholden to any one corporation they can make their own rules. It could’ve been as simple as the instance admin not liking Mr. Abramson’s work.

He could’ve found a different instance to participate in. It’s really easy to move and I know of at least two instances dedicated to journalism.

It would be nice to see Post federate with other services, Mastodon being the primary one. Post could still maintain their own unique identity and allow others to at least see headlines to paid articles. Just spitballing.

Ed Bott

Nice work, Jack. Your buddy Elon has turned Twitter into 8Chan.

Elon is ruining Twitter.

Also, I’d love to see Mastodon support embedding cards in websites. Maybe it does and I don’t know how. That would be amazing.

Tiny Apple Core

Tore up my back Monday morning putting on my shoe. Yes, you read that right. I hurt my back putting on a shoe. 😳

I’ve become a physical disaster.

Saturday Morning Coffee

This week will be slightly abbreviated. I’m in California for a funeral.

It’s 4:50AM here and I really need the juice. ☕️

Espresso Shot


The internet’s town square should never have been one specific website with its own specific rules and incentives. It should have been, and should be, the web itself.

The open web is still the best web and weblogs play a big role in making the web better. When I post to my blog it generates an RSS and JSON Feed so you can point your feed reader of chioce to it and get updated when my blog changes. It’s nice in that way because it’s completely decentralized.

Mastodon also works that way. It’s a collection of different servers participating as a collective. I can follow folks from many different servers around the world and it just works.

I see my weblog as the central hub of communication and use Mastodon and other social networks as a means of broadcasting posts to a wider audience.

To subscribe to my Mastodon account all you have to do is point your favorite feed reader to my Mastodon account with a .rss extension appended and you get an RSS feed! How awesome is that?

Here’s what it looks like:


Formula 1 drivers are truly athletes at the top of their game. As such, they all follow strict diets, have nutritionists on hand to monitor what they’re eating and make sure that they’re only consuming things that keep them in tip top shape over a race weekend. For Alfa Romeo driver Valtteri Bottas, this includes coffee. Lots of coffee.

I got into F1 a little bit while watch Drive to Survive on Netflix. If you haven’t seen it I’d recommed giving it a try. It’s fascinating.

While I’m in California I’ll probably visit Exeter Coffee Company and Dutch Brothers.

It’s nice to see others with an extreme coffee addiction. 😀

Robert Reich

What worries me most about Trump’s dinner last week at Mar-a-Lago with Nick Fuentes, the outspoken antisemite and racist who is one of America’s most prominent young white supremacists, and Kanye West, whose recent antisemitic outbursts have rocked the entertainment world, isn’t just that a former (and possibly future) president would dine with such avowed bigots.

The GOP is not even trying to hide their antisemitic and racist ways. It’s seriously pathetic and signaling to every other garbage human it’s ok to openly talk about and act on their hate.

Jesse Skinner

I signed up for Mastodon back in May 2019 and, at the time, I wrote on there: “I just heard about Mastodon a few days ago. I keep spelling it Mastadon. It’s a really cool platform and architecture, and I would love to see it completely replace Twitter one day. Do you think it could?”

I also spelled it Mastadon at first, whoops.

As far as replacing Twitter, I think it will for me as a place to collect, perhaps as a public square. 😀


Tapbots, the company behind the popular Tweetbot app designed for Twitter, is working on developing a new app called Ivory that integrates with the Mastodon social network.

I’ve been using Ivory for a while and it’s absolutely gorgeous and works the way you’d expect it to work.

Mastodon has turned into an iOS App playground and I’m loving it.

The past month has changed the Fediverse, and, by extension, our instance. We’ve continued as normal (apart from limiting sign-ups) to give ourselves time to figure out which changes were only temporary, what seems to be changed for good, and how to react. A month seems ample time, and here we are with a set of changes in how will work in the future.

Folks thought Mastodon would be the wild west, without good and proper moderation, but many instances take things very seriously and are making changes as needed to make their instance a better place. The instance is one such example.

Jason Kottke

Hey everyone. Tomorrow, after almost 7 months of a sabbatical break, I’m resuming regular publication of (Actually, I’ve been posting a bit here and there this week already — underpromise & over-deliver, etc.) I’m going to share more about what I’ve been up to (and what I’ve not been up to) in a massive forthcoming post, but for now, know that I’m happy to be back here in the saddle once again. (And that my fiddle leaf fig is doing well!)

Welcome back, Jason! Jason has been a mainstay of my web consumption for well over 10-years, most likely since 2001-2002 timeframe when I got into blogs and blogging.


Charlottesville, Va. – December 1, 2022 – Piedmont Virginia Community College (PVCC) will launch a new Associate of Applied Science Degree Program (AAS) in Technical Studies-Software Development, co-created with WillowTree, in the 2023 spring semester which starts January 9. The two-year degree program will provide high school graduates and those seeking to advance in or change careers with the digital and data skills needed to fill current and emerging jobs in software development.

I thought I’d humblebrag a bit. I was honored to be part of the group who helped define this new program at PVCC. The working group was full of wonderful WillowTree folks and I think we wound up with a great program.

Since I don’t have a degree of any type I’ve been thinking about signing up for this program.

Thank you PVCC!

Ahh, the life of the modern developer. 🤣

Tiny Apple Core

Let’s get this party started!

Time to watch birdies and try to convince them they should come visit him. 🐤

Saturday Morning Coffee

It’s Thanksgiving week here in the States so I had a three day week, which is really nice and I’d like to make it a standard moving forward. Show of hands, whose with me!

I need to have a very serious conversation with Kolby. He woke me up at 5AM, not to go outside, nooooo, he just wanted to get up. Goofy pup.

There is a good side to being awake, I’m alive, I get to write, and I get to drink coffee. Cheers. ☕️

Cold Espresso

The Guardian

Sian, I’m seeing a lot of talk about a Martin Scorsese film called Goncharov. But I’ve never heard of a Martin Scorsese film called Goncharov. What’s going on?

This is one of those delightful things that could only happen on the internet. Creative people gonna create.

Maybe Mr. Scorsese should make this film? It would have to be a remake, of course. 😃

John Scalzi

Now, why should we bring back that artisan, hand-crafted Web? Oh, I don’t know. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a site that’s not run by an amoral billionaire chaos engine, or algorithmically designed to keep you doomscrolling in a state of fear and anger, or is essentially spyware for governments and/or corporations?

That’s right, author John Scalzi also has a really great blog and he understands the power of the open web. He’s also very entertaining on Twitter. Here’s hoping his Mastodon account is just as good.


This new emphasis on advertising also undermines Apple’s claims about privacy with its App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature and its “Privacy. That’s iPhone” ad campaign. In fact, it appears ATT may have been more about blocking competitors than protecting user privacy. Since Apple introduced ATT, its ad revenue has skyrocketed, leading German regulators to investigate Apple to see if it’s abusing its power.

No matter Apple’s true intentions here it just comes off as a real scumbag move and I’d imagine regulators are ready to pounce.

The Verge

Elon Musk says that Twitter’s check mark program could return on Friday, December 2nd, with a new procedure to verify individual identities in order to resolve impersonation issues. Musk described the new manual authentication process as “painful, but necessary.” Verified checkmarks will also be expanded with additional colors — gold for companies, grey for the government, and the original blue for individual accounts.

Not that it matters but I like this move. I don’t agree with the color coding but I like the idea.

I’d make the people gold, governments blue, and companies gray. As it is having gold for a company makes them seem more important than people. The people make the platform not companies. Oh, and gray for the government feels like a slap in the face to governments.

Flicker Fusion

I think Musk is genuniely surprised he hasn’t been able (so far) to bluster his way through this.

We’re finally starting to see cracks in Musks three ring circus. He’s spending so much time at Twitter blowing it up he’s ignoring Tesla and Space X.

Here’s hoping he hires an adult to run Twitter soon. 🤞🏼


Harry Potter, boy wizard

I know I wasn’t alone in chuckling when the new Warner Bros. Discovery C.E.O. David Zaslav announced on an earnings call last week that he’d really like to do “something with J.K. on Harry Potter going forward,” noting that his film executives “haven’t done a Harry Potter movie in 15 years.” You don’t say! one rival exec texted, echoing a few calls I got from others on the Warners lot. People are terrible.

You need more than JK Rowling to boost your profits Mr. Zaslav but you know that.

Comic Sands

Horror icon Stephen King became the latest celebrity to mock billionaire Elon Musk following his move to reinstate former Republican President Donald Trump to Twitter.

Stephen King, another author I love, is also extremely entertaining on Twitter and I hope he to makes his way to Mastodon.

I wish he and Mr. Scalzi would consider running their own Mastodon instance and invite authors to join them. That would be amazing.


Tumblr will add support for ActivityPub, the open, decentralized social networking protocol that’s today powering social networking software like Twitter alternative Mastodon, the Instagram-like Pixelfed, video streaming service PeerTube, and others.

I think this is a brilliant idea. Tumblr is a great little micro blogging platform and this will bring a massively scaled ActivityPub instance to the fold.

When I saw this announcement my gut reaction was ”Yes! I must get a job there to help!” Yeah, seriously, that’s how I felt. Luckily I remembered how much I love WillowTree and came to my senses.

Here’s wishing the Tumblr team all the best! 🧡

Oh, look, we still have pumpkin and pecan pie. Pie and coffee? Don’t mind if I do. 🥧

Tiny Apple Core