Polio vs. COVID vaccines

I had to capture this for future reference. This is astoundingly sad.

Zero Accountability

Of course we the people have zero power to do anything about it. Fortunately he left the White House but he’s still free to do whatever he wants and has wacko backers in the Halls of Congress pushing his fascist agenda.

We will have a king dictator in office if we cannot stop him and his ilk.

Completed French Drain

Really happy with how the finished product turned out.

Fabric in, pipe in, filled with rock, wrapped, and fully covered.

When I plant lawn next spring you’ll never know there’s a French drain under there.

I have a bunch of extra dirt to shuffle around the back yard, but that’s a good problem to have.


Q Insanity

Hi, I’m an insane Q supporter!Dallas Morning News: ”One post from a widely-followed QAnon social media account said that after being reinstated as president, Trump would step down. The post said JFK Jr. would then become president, Michael Flynn would be appointed as his vice president, and Trump would ultimately become the “king of kings,” according to Newsweek.”

The QAnon people are completely insane.

Rekindled Enthusiasm

A wonderful bouquet of flowers.Dave Rogers: “I think many people who enjoy posting and sharing on Facebook, would be better served by creating and maintaining a blog. You can achieve nearly the same level of ease of discovery through RSS and readers/aggregators, that you curate. What appears in your timeline is under your control. And there’s just enough friction there, in terms of reacting or responding, to serve as kind of a dampening force. Responses can be more thoughtful, the “hot take” can take a moment to cool."

Of course that paragraph caught my eye, but this is a very thoughtful piece by Dave that shares his rekindled enthusiasm for blogging.

Save our Republic

Save our RepublicCNN: “The report also details an extraordinary three-hour meeting in the Oval Office in which Trump tried to win support for a plan to install as acting attorney general a loyalist, Jeffrey Clark, who he thought would help him overturn the 2020 election. In the end, the ex-President was talked out of the move after being told it would trigger mass Justice Department resignations."

If our country cannot arrest, try, and hopefully convict these people of crimes then we deserve to lose our republic and have Trump as dictator.

It’s unbelievable to me that nothing has been done, that Trump is telling his chronies to ignore subpoenas. We’re going to mess around and let our country fall to this man that causes only grief and destruction wherever he goes.

We have to rise up and war must be waged if the Justice Department refuses to take action and Trump is reelected in 2024. Especially if he refuses to leave office after his second term. Then war is inevitable.

Let’s not allow it to come to that. I’d rather see Trump and his associates imprisoned. It’s what they deserve and don’t pull that “We can’t jail a Presidet” bullshit with me. It’s time we did. Trump is dangerous.

Committing Digital Suicide

A wonderful bouquet of flowers.Brent Simmons: ”But I kind of think not, because there’s a bigger issue: I expect and hope that eventually I will no longer be a public person — no blog, no Twitter, no public online presence at all.”

Wow. This could be a big move by one of those early Mac developers and bloggers I looked to for inspiration.

Of course I can’t say these thoughts haven’t crossed my mind and I definitely blog less these days. Our hope is to someday live a more nomadic lifestyle, travel the country. I expect that would lead to more blogging.

I can totally see where Brent is coming from.

I know of one person who did this; Mark Pilgrim.

UPDATE: Brent replied to my tweet that linked to this article and thought the title was a bit strong. He’s correct, it is. My mind went to Mark Pilgrim’s “digital disappearance” and I applied that to Brent’s post.

It is a bit over the top. I am sorry for that, Brent.

Dear Recruiters

A wonderful bouquet of flowers.If you’re a recruiter from Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, or Facebook please save yourself some time and don’t pursue me as a candidate.

I’ve been around for a long time as a developer but I’m not someone you’d want to hire.

I’m not that smart. More than likely I won’t be able to get through your interview process. I do ok as a developer but I’m not an algorithm guy. I try my best to write easy to read, maintainable, and stable code.

I’m not a ninja, rock star, or 10x developer. I’m kind of slow paced, iterative, and discerning. Definitely not a code factory.

If you’ve ever seen the movie Bull Durham I’d compare myself to Crash Davis – played by Kevin Costner. My best days are behind me. I had my time in The Show as part of Visio – which became part of Microsoft – but that was over 20-years ago. I’m in that stage of my career where I’m trying to help younger developers learn the business so they can get to The Show.

I still like to write code but I’m not a good fit for Big COs. I don’t have the energy or desire to work 80-hours a week for months on end. Living for the company.

I’m beginning my twilight season and I’m certain you’ll find your perfect candidate.

Take care, and remember, we only get one shot at this beautiful life. Make the most of it.

P.S. - If you’re a Facebook recruiter, this is the page I want you to see. You should really question why you work for a company like Facebook. If the answer is “because money” you’re doing it wrong. Facebook is a vile company.

Working Remotely

A wonderful bouquet of flowers.Quartz: “The investment in Redmond also assumes workers will be be using offices in the future, when it’s clear many won’t. When given the choice of working remotely, many workers opt to stay home (or find a nearby coffeeshop), to the extent that Automattic, maker of Wordpress, shut down its San Francisco office because no one was using it."

This is from a late 2017 article. Clearly folks have wanted to work remotely for quite a while. COVID-19 has definitely driven that point home, no pun intended.

I’ll continue to advocate for it.

Kim and I

Bubblegum Alley, San Luis Obispo 2013

The weather is conspiring against us. It makes working outside fun when all it does is rain all weekend. 😀