Kim’s roses are pretty happy but something has been snacking on the leaves.

One year ago Ms. Gracie joined our family. At the time she was five months old and weighed in at 45lbs. Today she’s 95lbs of cuddly dog and owns my heart. ❤️

Picture of a Great Pyrenees puppy asleep in the back seat of our car.A closeup of Gracie, our Great Pyrenees puppy. She’s such a doll.Ms. Gracie, our Great Pyrenees puppy, moving closer to the camera for her closeup.

Our daughter and son-in-law are moving. As they were cleaning out their shed they were greeted by a two foot long copperhead.

Our daughter moved a storage tote and there it was. It struck out and luckily it hit the tote.

She, her hubby, and children are all fine.

A copperhead snake preparing to strike.

More of Kim’s roses. She’s had this one for a very long time. It’s moved from house to house through the years.

Peach colored rose

Kim’s roses are enjoying this weather.

Picture of a white rose

It’s time to do some camping! Kim and I picked up a new to us camping trailer.

We have a list of places we’d like to visit. Now we just need to pick one and go!

I thought it was allergies. Nope, it’s a cold. NyQuil and DayQuil have once again become my best friends. 🤧

Avila Beach

I saw a picture someone posted of the beach and I thought of Avila Beach, California.

Kim and I lived not far from it and would go to the beach at least once a week. We’d load up Maggie — our Yorkie — grab a coffee, and dive to the beach.

We’d throw the ball for Maggie and she’d run up and down the beach until she was worn out.

If we could live there for the remainder of our lives together we would. It’s our little paradise.

I miss our beach dates. I miss California.

Kim’s flowers are pretty darned happy. There are a few new flowers in the mix but the purple and yellow flowers and her mini roses have been around for years.

Our magnolia is just starting to show signs of spring happiness. Beautiful blossoms are just around the corner.

Picture of a tiny magnolia blossom just starting to show.

I thought I’d sticker up my work MacBook Pro and after adding the centerpiece WillowTree sticker I stopped. It just looks so nice.

A picture of a MacBook Pro with a WillowTree sticker covering the Apple logo.

Looking up

It’s a beautiful morning here at the Fahrni Homestead. We have two Dogwoods in our yard and they’re in full bloom. Such beautiful trees.

A picture of the trees in our back yard. A Dogwood blooms in the foreground with a bit of morning sky in the upper left.

Ms. Priss set the trap and I fell for it.

Picture of my arm being bit by my kitty, Ms. Priss.Ms. Priss, our gray and white kitty.

It’s been a pretty darned nice day. 🌞

Picture of the tops of trees with a brilliant blue sky behind them.

My Junior Playing Cards just arrived. They’re extremely nice. Looking forward to using them with Kim.

A picture of two playing card decks in their wooden box.

Ms. Gracie sleeping on one of her toys, or babies as we call them.

Isn’t she adorable? Yes, she is. 🥺

Picture of our Great Pyrenees, Gracie, sleeping on one of her stuffed toys.

There’s no fool like an April fool.

An apple core illustration dressed like a fool.

Solid advice.

A sign that reads: “If life shuts a door, open it again, it’s a door. That’s how they work.”

Got a picture of this Eastern Tiger Swallowtail yesterday while doing some yard work. We had bumblebees zipping all over the place but I couldn’t manage to get close enough to get a shot of one.

Picture of an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.


I haven’t had Chipotle in a very long time.

It’s sunny and 70 out, might as well have a good beer, right?

I think Lucky is failing at the whole hiding thing. 😃

Enjoying a Firestone Walker Whistle Monkee tonight. 🤤

I’m a big fan of Stikee Monkee so this beer is a natural fit.