Looking up

Looking up
It’s a beautiful morning here at the Fahrni Homestead. We have two Dogwoods in our yard and they’re in full bloom. Such beautiful trees.
Ms. Priss set the trap and I fell for it.
It’s been a pretty darned nice day. 🌞
My Junior Playing Cards just arrived. They’re extremely nice. Looking forward to using them with Kim.
Ms. Gracie sleeping on one of her toys, or babies as we call them.
Isn’t she adorable? Yes, she is. 🥺
There’s no fool like an April fool.
Solid advice.
Got a picture of this Eastern Tiger Swallowtail yesterday while doing some yard work. We had bumblebees zipping all over the place but I couldn’t manage to get close enough to get a shot of one.
I haven’t had Chipotle in a very long time.
It’s sunny and 70 out, might as well have a good beer, right?
I think Lucky is failing at the whole hiding thing. 😃
Enjoying a Firestone Walker Whistle Monkee tonight. 🤤
I’m a big fan of Stikee Monkee so this beer is a natural fit.
Mmmmmmm beer
Flynn has a rough life.
Got Kim a new flag!
Priss and Flynn doing what they do best. Chillin’.
Mr. Flynn found the sun.
It’s so nice here today. Low 30’s this morning but the sun is out and warm, not a cloud in the beautiful blue sky.
Yesterday we had some roofers come by to find a leak in our roof. They found something but want to inspect it from the outside. Since the roof has some snow on it they need to wait for it to defrost a bit.
I stepped out into the yard with the two roofers so they could show me approximately where they suspect the problem is. As I was walking backwards up our banked yard the thawed earth gave way and I ended up on my keister.
You’d think I’d broken apart the way the two gentlemen responded. Look, I know I’m completely gray and probably look like a man who hasn’t had a great sleep in a while but good lord I’m not 1,000 years old.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking about their reaction ever since. I mostly don’t feel as old as I am. I’m 56, a young buck. My mind isn’t as sharp as it once was but I still see myself as young.
I’ve noticed an overall trend of a certain kind of respect toward me as my hair has become mostly gray. Which is extremely kind and thoughtful. The thing is, I don’t feel that old. Cheers! 😃
Kolby watching his favorite TV show.
Ms. Gracie really loves being out in the snow.
Kim’s dad gave this to her before he passed. It’s really beautiful with the snow on top of it.
I contributed a single piece. Kim and Taylor have been working on this for a few days.
It’s fun watching them walk by, stop, look around for 10 minutes, drop in a few pieces and walk away.
Every once in a while they sit down together and work on it.