I’m not really into trucker hats but I really love this one. It’s from the 15 year celebration swag with Agrian team got while I was there. I love the colors — gray and black — and the logo is really sweet.

All those sweat rings give it that lived in look.

Sweat stained gray and black trucker hat with a 15 years Agrian logo.

The food will be simple but it’s the view we’re here for. That and the walk on the beach afterward.

Saturday Morning Coffee

Good morning from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! ☕️

FrapKim and I rented a place for a week to share with our kids, grandkids, and our dogs! We arrived around 7PM Friday evening, got setup, had some pizza, and pretty much passed out.

We haven’t had time to do any real recon of the are but I did manage to find a decent pizza joint and a Food Lion so we could pick up odds and ends to stock the fridge for the week.

From Friday to Tuesday it’s all about our kids and grandkids. Tuesday forward it’ll just be Kim and I and our oldest grandchild until next Saturday.

I was hoping to get some extra bunk time but that ain’t gonna happen with a puppy who thinks 5:30AM is play time. 🤣

We’re going to have a great time at the beach and whatever else we can drum up.

Enjoy the links.

Daring Fireball

But even just a small taste of VisionOS made me feel confident that it is going to be the next major platform for Apple and Apple developers, alongside MacOS and iOS/iPadOS.

I wasn’t too excited about any new AR/VR headset Apple was set to release, then I saw it in the keynote.

At first I was disappointed because they were showing someone in an office using it to replace their monitor(s) and that’s kind of boring.

The we see someone celebrating a child’s birthday wearing the headset. Really? What a complete douchebag. No, seriously, that’s a really bad move.

But, when I saw them demonstrate watching movies with it, I was excited! That is what I’d use it for!

Am I spending $3,500 anytime soon on one? Hell no! It’s still to early for me, especially at that price. It’s hard to justify it.

Steven Beschloss

Donald Trump himself broke the news this evening that he’s been indicted—making him the first former president to ever be charged with a federal crime.

King ding dong himself is finally being indicted for his retention of government documents. It’s not about him accidentally having a few mixed in with his other papers, it’s about boxes of them, not returning them on request, and lying that he did return them.

The right like to say “What about Biden and Pence?” Indeed, what about them. They self reported having documents and turned them over right away.

TFG is a real garbage human wrapped in a suit. My hope is, at a minimum, he’s banned from running for any federal office ever again.

Colin Paice

Easy question – hard answer, how to I convert a hex string to hex byte string in C?

Go along for the ride. I haven’t taken the time to think through how to solve this and I only have nits to pick with Colin’s solution.

Virginia Mercury

Richmond’s post-graduation mass shooting reflects America’s gun violence epidemic

This is so sickening. The shooting is absolutely horrific but to do it at a graduation? It’s heartbreaking how callous our nation has become.😔


This document is the reference guide describing how to mix Swift and C++

Since this was done as an official way to use C++ from Swift there was all kinds of thought out into safety. That’s fine, but if you have a great hunk of C++ that has been thoroughly tested and you feel good about it you probably don’t need the training wheels provided by this support.

Just wrap your C++ in a thin layer of Objective-C++ and call it from your Swift code without penalty. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Robert Reich

Goodbye, CNN’s Chris Licht. But what’s the lesson?

I know he screwed the pooch with that TFG interview thing but man, that was pretty quick.

512 Pixels

The number of 2019 Mac Pros sold cannot be huge, but the new one’s numbers are going to be even smaller. As a Mac Pro fan that worries me. Yes, there are users who are reliant on PCI solutions and I’m sure those folks will upgrade to this new machine at some point.

Who is this computer for? That’s the question on most folks minds. When I heard it wasn’t nearly as expandable as the 2019 version it made me wonder why they bothered? Beyond the awesome SOC it doesn’t have more to offer than its 2019 counterpart.

Then again, I’ve never been the target of this computer. I’m still using a 2019 MacBook Pro and I’m fine with it. Heck, I have a brand new M2 based MacBook Pro sitting in a box waiting for me to set it up. 🤣


But as Adams scanned the bustling crowd of King Penguins, elephant seals, and Antarctic fur seals, he spotted something bizarre in the distance.

Go check out the post. This bird is gorgeous and I want it.


Could The NASCAR Garage 56 Camaro Beat Every GTE Car At Le Mans?

I’d love to watch this all the way through but that’s not gonna happen. I hope NASCAR has partnered with someone to do a full documentary on it. The process from concept to reality to running the race. I hope it makes it the full 24 hours. That alone would be a huge victory.

Tiny Apple Core

Nah, she’s not cute. 🥺

A picture of our puppy, Cocoa.

Sacked out.

We’re in Nashville, no not that one, the one in Illinois. We’ve picked up our new pup, Cocoa, and head back home tomorrow. Kolby is gonna hate us for a while but he’s a sweet boy and will teach her the ropes. 🐶🚙

Say hi Cocoa.

Working From Home

Brain in a jarI put together some tips for folks at work back in early 2020 as COVID was starting to spread like wild fire here in the States.

I thought I’d throw some work from home tips in a doc. I’ve been working from home off and on for the past 20+ years, give or take.

  1. Keep your routine - get up at the same time, prepare for the day the same way you always do.
  2. Get dressed for work - Dress how you’d dress for work. I need this one otherwise I’d lay about all day in my PJ’s. It’s so easy to get lazy, at least for me it is.
  3. Create a dedicated workspace - This one can be tough, but if you’re able, do it. This allows for a bit of separation mentally between work and home life. If I don’t do this everything starts to blur together.
  4. Take breaks - Since you’re home it’s easy to skip these. Take a few minutes, get up, stretch, and walk around. Go outside, take a walk. If you have a pet, take them for a walk. They’ll love you for it! Chill during lunch. I like to eat away from my workspace and on occasion I’ll watch a bit of TV.
  5. Work outside - I love doing this on nice days. I’ll work outside for a bit. It kind of goes against having a dedicated space but it’s a nice change. I tend to do this in the morning while sipping coffee. It’s so beautiful here. I’m really looking forward to trying it.

Everyone has to find a rhythm that works for them. These are the things that work for me.

When I initially started working from home I would get up, get dressed, eat breakfast (not always), and drive my kids to school. When I got home I was at work. I’d walk into my office, close the door, and go to work. It may sound silly but I needed it to get me in the proper frame of mind. If it would help you, take a quick drive to emulate driving to work.

I plan on getting out a bit. Going to the store for the usual stuff; milk, coffee, etc. The daily necessities. I’ll batch them up but I need a bit of time away from the house to preserve my sanity.

My friends know how much I love contrails — as in condensation trail.

Picture of a jet condensation trail with the top of a tree in the foreground.

More stuff blooming!

Pink, white, and yellow honeysuckleOrange roseRed and white rose. Reminds me of a candy cane.

Yesterday and today. What a difference a day makes.

Picture of a small white roseSame white rose one day later. Fully open. Beautiful.

Kim’s roses are happy and just starting to put off blooms.

There have been some critters gnawing on the leaves.

Picture of a pink rosePicture of a pink rosePicture of a tiny pink rose

Picture of a Mastodon post from Working Class History pointing out how Nazis treated LGBTQ+ folks. TL;DR it wasn’t good.

I hear folks say “Stop calling the GOP Nazis.” Fine. I’ll stop when they stop behaving like Nazis.

Love that little tongue sticking out. 👅

I fell for Ms. Priss’ trap. She rolled onto her back, exposing her belly, and sprung the trap when I started rubbing it. 😆

Gray and white kitty attacking my hand after I rubbed her belly.

Just watching a little TV.

Gray and white kitty watching TV

This fella knows how to live. He parties all night and sleeps all day.

A picture of a sleeping gray and white kitty on the arm of a couch.

More flowers coming in.

Flynn in his natural state.

Kim’s lilacs are coming in.

Picture of a lilac flower

Kim’s first set of seasonal flowers are coming in. I love watching this area of our flower beds progress through the seasons. One set of flowers will die back as another set emerges. It’s amazing.

Momma Eastern Bluebird is giving me the stink eye. She’s not happy I’m 10 feet away as she builds her nest. Dad shows up once in a while to stare me down. 😆

On the porch

Sitting on the front porch this morning, enjoying a nice cup-o-joe while I work.

Since I don’t really code any longer I had to open my Stream project so I’d look like a legit developer. 🤣

You can support my endeavors as an “Indie” dev by downloading Stream and leaving a tip! Thank you! 🙏🏼

This is the largest “refactor” I’ve done with my Home Screen in a really long time. I even moved one of my apps — RxCalc — to a different screen and stashed it in a group.

Just mowed the lawn — weeds — for the first time this year. Cut down a small tree for Kim, it was in really bad shape, and trimmed up some stumps remaining from last years post snowstorm cleanup.

It’s nice to get the yard cleaned up a bit but I’m pooped out. My legs are like “DUDE! We’re too old for this!” 😁