Brent Simmons: ”But I kind of think not, because there’s a bigger issue: I expect and hope that eventually I will no longer be a public person — no blog, no Twitter, no public online presence at all.”
Wow. This could be a big move by one of those early Mac developers and bloggers I looked to for inspiration.
Of course I can’t say these thoughts haven’t crossed my mind and I definitely blog less these days. Our hope is to someday live a more nomadic lifestyle, travel the country. I expect that would lead to more blogging.
I can totally see where Brent is coming from.
I know of one person who did this; Mark Pilgrim.
UPDATE: Brent replied to my tweet that linked to this article and thought the title was a bit strong. He’s correct, it is. My mind went to Mark Pilgrim’s “digital disappearance” and I applied that to Brent’s post.
It is a bit over the top. I am sorry for that, Brent.