Your best bet is to pick a distribution medium that gives you portability of your content and some measure of your audience. Today that would be SMTP (email), RSS (podcasting), SMS, Usenet, Tor, Telegram... When we open source @tumblr it could be one of these.
— Matt Mullenweg (@photomatt) April 17, 2022
Now isn’t that something? I hope Mr. Mullenweg finds a way to federate WordPress and Tumblr with other systems, like Twitter.
But this, this is a neat way to start something like that.
We’re entering an interesting time. I feel like we’re on the crux of Twitter, WordPress, insert your favorite system here, becoming peer systems. Data flowing freely between them. Rolling up into whatever UI you prefer. Feed Reader, Twitter, Mastodon, The list of potential rendering tools is as long the the list of publishing tools.