Rob Fahrni

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My Notebooks

I like notebooks. Especially notebooks with grids. Over the years I’ve drawn plenty of UI thoughts and little diagrams using the grid to get as close to a straight line as possible. I also record ideas, quick thoughts, and meeting notes in them. I have a few on my book shelf that are full. On occasion I’ll thumb back through one to see what was going on at that time in my life. It’s fun to see my scribbles mixed with notes to call the doctor or see a full blown UI design (as full blown as my chicken scratch can be.)

I’ve had an idea for a computer stand for a while. One that could hold multiple MacBook’s, or PC laptops, and take as little space as possible on my desktop.

To that end, here’s my chicken scratch drawing and measurements for the stand. It could be placed hordizontally or vertically on the desk and can hold up to three computers. If placed horizontally it should fit under my VESA mounted display, making the laptops easy to access.

Now, all I need to do is build the darned thing. It’ll be wood, but I’m not sure what kind I’ll use.