Rob Fahrni

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The Curmudgeon Coder

Cliff Harris: ”There was a golden age of programming, back when you had actual limitations on memory and CPU. Now we just live in an ultra-wasteful pit of inefficiency. Its just sad.”

I do love a good curmudgeon. I’m one, mainly because I’m old, but also because I do care about performance, stability, and efficiency of any app I work on. This is not to say I’m some magical coder, I most certainly am not, but I try really hard to deliver all those things and more.

I do appreciate his stance. Development today is one big hodge-podge of packages glued together each depending on some other set of packages.

Back in the olden days — yes when dinosaurs roamed the earth — we wrote everything for the app. We didn’t have the luxury of getting something someone else had written. Having to write everything yourself makes you stop and think about every little detail. That’s a good thing.