Rob Fahrni

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RibbitI must admit I’ve not been good about doing my physical therapy homework. For past surgeries I was very diligent about doing what I was asked because I knew it was my quickest way to healing and feeling normal.

This time around is a different story. I lack the mental strength to cope with the pain involved. Prior to surgery I had times where I could not escape the pain in my knee. It’s wearing both physically and mentally. After surgery even though I feel pain in my comfortable position it’s nowhere near some of my more severe pre-op pain and I just don’t want to be in pain any longer.

The reality is, of course, that I have a long way to go and I am going to have pain. Just finding a way to cope, that mental toughness, has been extremely difficult this time around.

Have I regretted the surgery? Nope. It was absolutely the right thing to do. I know this is part of the healing process and one day I will be better than I was before surgery and that’s very encouraging.