Rob Fahrni

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Pocket support in Stream

Red sock.I was looking into the idea of integrating Pocket support into Stream and was happy to see they have a very simple API, then I read the details for and my enthusiasm for it disappeared.

They only support returning a small portion of the article text. That’s a real bummer.

I get it. If they let us fully integrate the entire content why would anyone need the Pocket app or website to read their saved articles? They couldn’t monetize their hard work. Hey, at least they did this up front and didn’t drop a bomb on their development partners after realizing they’d given away the keys to the kingdom.

In the end it’s fine. I’d been planning to do my own read later support right inside Stream itself using CloudKit. Warts and all CloudKit will enable a me to have shared content across iOS and Mac computers. 👍🏼