Large numbers of farm workers in Kern County, at the heart of California’s agricultural country, have reportedly stopped showing up for work after what appears to be a wave of arrests — based, as far as anyone can tell, on racial profiling — by Border Patrol agents.
Kern, Kings, Tulare, and Fresno counties and many more are a part of the great San Joaquin Valley of California. It’s farm country. Most of the fruits and vegetables you enjoy come from there. Everything from oranges, almonds, lettuce, grapes, and a whole host of others are raised right there in the valley’s fertile soil. Guess who picks those crops? Yep, you guessed right, migrant workers. It’s back breaking labor and these folks do it in weather from below freezing to 110+ degrees. Yes, you read that right. It gets extremely hot and these folks show up to work every day.
Now, imagine if you will, all those amazing people no longer picking fruits and vegetables. Who’s gonna do it? Are you? If these raids continue you can expect food prices to sky rocket, crops to rot on the vine or branch, and farms struggle to stay in business.
The irony of the whole thing is how much farmers in the San Joaquin Valley love Trump. Oh, yes, they love the man. Before moving east I saw many a Trump 2020 sign in farmers fields and groves. Not tiny signs, gigantic signs mounted on the side of trailers. It’s the red middle of a very blue state.
FAFO season is here. Time for the “find out” part of the equation.