Violence is coming.

How can it not?

Agriculture is finding out

Paul Krugman

Large numbers of farm workers in Kern County, at the heart of California’s agricultural country, have reportedly stopped showing up for work after what appears to be a wave of arrests — based, as far as anyone can tell, on racial profiling — by Border Patrol agents.

Bringing in the HarvestKern, Kings, Tulare, and Fresno counties and many more are a part of the great San Joaquin Valley of California. It’s farm country. Most of the fruits and vegetables you enjoy come from there. Everything from oranges, almonds, lettuce, grapes, and a whole host of others are raised right there in the valley’s fertile soil. Guess who picks those crops? Yep, you guessed right, migrant workers. It’s back breaking labor and these folks do it in weather from below freezing to 110+ degrees. Yes, you read that right. It gets extremely hot and these folks show up to work every day.

Now, imagine if you will, all those amazing people no longer picking fruits and vegetables. Who’s gonna do it? Are you? If these raids continue you can expect food prices to sky rocket, crops to rot on the vine or branch, and farms struggle to stay in business.

The irony of the whole thing is how much farmers in the San Joaquin Valley love Trump. Oh, yes, they love the man. Before moving east I saw many a Trump 2020 sign in farmers fields and groves. Not tiny signs, gigantic signs mounted on the side of trailers. It’s the red middle of a very blue state.

FAFO season is here. Time for the “find out” part of the equation.

The Index

This man is a coward. And no amount of corporate jargon or performative masculinity can make that stain go away.

Zuck, for all his martial arts training and gold chains, is nothing more than a frightened little man. A man with children and a wife too cowardly to stand up and say “Donnie-boy, I’m not supporting your agenda because I want a free and safe America for my family.”

Instead we get a boy, going along with this wishes of an orange idiot.

The Fourteenth Amendment

Fourteenth Amendment

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

There it is, plain as day. It’s way more clear than the Second Amendment the wing nuts cling to.

If you’re born here, you are a citizen.

TikTok TikTok

RibbitI feel bad for the folks who made a living on TikTok. I’m hoping they’ll find another job to take the place of being an influencer or whatever they did on TickTok to make a living.

As for the folks who are bummed because they liked watching it. You’ll get over it. I wasn’t happy when Space Karen took over Twitter and shut down the API so I stopped using it, exported my tweets, and deleted my account. I don’t miss it because Mastodon is even better and isn’t controlled by a single company.

I suspect it will be back soon. Hang in there.

Donnie Boy is afraid of a little cold

President-elect Donald Trump said his inauguration on Monday will take place inside the U.S. Capitol rather than outdoors because of severe cold, the first time in 40 years that U.S. presidential inaugural ceremonies will be moved indoors.

The reason is simple. Through all the bluster, Donald Trump is just a big sissy boy. He’s afraid he’s gonna get a little cold sitting outside. A real man would suck it up and enjoy the moment.

Well, there’s that, and he’s terrified his crowd size will, once again, be much, much, smaller than previously. Remember how tiny his crowd was in 2017? Yeah, it was tiny compared to the mass of folks who went for President Obama or President Biden who followed him.

He’s so hated I’d imagine most of the CEO’s he’s somehow gotten to be there would rather be sitting alone in the cold than be seated behind him.

Red sock.I keep expecting to read of another assassination attempt on the Marmalade Messiah.

It will happen. He’s equally adored and hated here in the States. Worldwide I’d imagine there is more hatred for the man.

Dear President Biden

Please release all the Department of Justice Special Counsel reports behind the indictments of President elect Trump.

Uncle SamAs a nation we deserve to know what our future leader allegedly did so we can form our own opinions, given the Supreme Court made it difficult to prosecute a President for crimes committed while in office.

We all know he’s a criminal. We should know about his many crimes.

I’d encourage everyone to make a similar blog post if you have a blog, or post to your favorite social network. We really need this to happen for the good of our country and for future generations to understand what a mistake we made by electing Donald J. Trump to a second term in office.

Orange Man has lost his ever loving mind.

What do you want to do? Invade Canada? I bet half of the US would help our lovely neighbors to the north. 🇨🇦

How long will it take Trump to cross a line Americans cannot stomach?

How long after that does the next Civil War start?

How much cruelty will you put up with before doing something about it? I guess we all may have to answer that question in 2025.

Is Hate better than Woke? 😳


‘Democrats Are Realizing Woke Is Broke!’ Morning Joe Crew Reads Entire Maureen Dowd Column Slamming Identity Politics

Woke? Come on! Why not talk about the Orange Dude’s misogyny, racism, and just outright hate? That’s what people in America voted for and want. It’s more about that than the Democratic Party being “woke.”

Yes, Democrats believe in equity, inclusion, and empathy for their fellow man. Why the hell shouldn’t we all want that?

Watch out! It's a blog fly!Are you flat ass saying hate is the way? No thanks. I want nothing to do with that.

I’ll be here to help black and brown people, LQBTQ+ people, and Women.

Wanting everyone to be treated the same and have the same opportunities isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. Hate is too easy.

Get outta here with that crap.


If you have a Threads account, or can see this video, go watch. This guy, whoever he is, nails it

On Personal Tragedy, Love, and the Election

John Gruber

Given the circumstances when I went to bed Tuesday night, it was no surprise I was welling up with tears come the morning. But I’d never have expected they’d be tears of joy, with a sense of hope — however diminished — and abiding love in my heart.

This is, without a doubt, the best piece John Gruber has ever written.

Please take the time to read it. John weaves a very personal tragic moment into the tragedy of the election. I cannot get over how great it is. John really is a masterful writer. Wow.

Thank you for sharing such a beautifully written, thoughtful, and personal piece right when we all needed it, John. ✪

The Editorial Board • The New York Times

Donald Trump has described at length the dangerous and disturbing actions he says he will take if he wins the presidency.

At least The NY Times had the intestinal fortitude to do this.

Uncle SamDone and done! I’ve done my part and voted to keep the United States of America a democracy!

Vote Harris - Walz, Save Democracy

I am all in on Kamala Harris being the next President of the United States. She is fully qualified and will bring an excellent staff on board to keep this country running.

We’re at a critical time in our Nation. Fascism has been knocking on the door for sometime now and it’s time we squash it, forever. Trump cannot win. He will never leave office and will destroy the United States of America. I fully believe that.

Trump is a petty, vindictive, narcissistic, asshole. He fits right into the mold of a psychopath – it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s killed someone – and Trump is 100% fascist.

Save Democracy in America. Vote Harris - Walz.

Harris - Walz 2024: Save Democracy

Uncle Sam

Uh, and by Christian I mean specifically evangelical Christian, obviously. You better not have any heretical ideas about God like this crap about loving thy neighbor and feeding the hungry and clothing the homeless. That’s the sort of idea that’ll get you in trouble in Trump’s America. But as long as you’re a white, straight, cisgender, evangelical Christian man, you’ll be fine.

Sure, everything will be fine.

Vote Harris-Walz if you want a free America.

Trump will never leave office

Michael Gold • The New York Times

In the closing minutes of his speech to a gathering of religious conservatives on Friday night, former President Donald J. Trump told Christians that if they voted him into office in November, they would never need to vote again.

“Christians, get out and vote. Just this time,” he said at The Believers’ Summit, an event hosted by the conservative advocacy group Turning Point Action, in West Palm Beach, Fla. “You won’t have to do it anymore, you know what? Four more years, it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”

The Cheeto finally did it! He said the quiet part out loud for all Americans to hear. He doesn’t plan on leaving office at the end of his four year term if he wins in 2024. Unbelievable.

If that doesn’t stop you from voting for Trump nothing will and our beautiful Republic will be lost forever.

Folks have been saying he’s a threat to democracy for quite a while and he just said it himself. Believe him. Vote for Kamala Harris.

We also need to be extra vigilant just before, during, and after the election, especially if he loses.

Rest assured there will be another coup attempt if he loses.

Kathleen Culliton • Raw Story

“Democrats fearful that President Joe Biden will cost them control of Congress are mulling calling on him to withdraw from the race against convicted felon former President…”

All y’all are cowards!

Biden is our only choice. Get out there and rally the troops. There’s more to lose than your seat in the House or Senate.

Stop and Think

Uncle SamI didn’t watch the debate last night and I’m glad I skipped it. Apparently President Biden didn’t do so well. That’s ok, I’m still voting for him and I’m sure most Democrats will.

Question is how do we get Independents to vote for him or true Republicans who don’t agree with the draconian MAGA movement? The movement that’ll set us back decades.

I’m still voting for Joe Biden, I don’t care if he’s not as sharp as he once was. He has amazing people all around him and I’m certain he can still do the job.

If you’re an Independent or Republican the question is: Do you want Democracy or Fascism?

The choice is so easy for most of us, we want Democracy.

I couldn’t resist posting this here. 🤣

An a-frame sign in front of a sandwich shop that reads: Trump sandwich, white bread, full of baloney, with Russian dressing, and a small pickle.

New York Times 🎁🔗

Donald J. Trump, the former president and presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in a case stemming from a payment that silenced a porn star.

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer fellow.

Donald J. Trump, convicted felon. Has a really nice ring to it.

Why do you stay in Texas?

Texas doesn’t care about women. To Texas they exist to incubate and pop out babies, cook your meals, and clean your house.

If you have a woman in your life why are you still there?

Are you trying to make Texas a better place by getting Republicans out of office?

Is it where you grew up?

Do you want to get out of there but are trapped because you can’t afford the cost of moving?

Is your job too good to leave?

Maybe you don’t care because it’s someone else’s problem?

What about it is keeping you there?

Will Democracy Survive?

Huffington Post

Former President Donald Trump’s attorney on Thursday argued that a president could order the assassination of his political rival and stage a military coup without being prosecuted for it.

How have we arrived here? One man is single handedly doing his damnedest to unravel American Democracy to placate his narcissism and for some reason nobody wants to tell him he can’t do it.

I just don’t get it.

For 240+ years we’ve managed to exist as a nation without having a President use the Office as his own corrupt money making scheme.

Now, here we are, at the Supreme Court waiting for a tiny group of people to make a decision that could destroy everything we have, all for one man.

There is an upside to this, I suppose? If the Supreme Court decides the President has full immunity and President Biden is willing Trump could be stopped.

I’ll leave it there. Let your mind wander on what that solution might be.

If Trump isn’t stopped now he’ll use that unchecked power in unimaginable ways. Political rivals will mysteriously fall from high rise buildings, die of poisoning, or be thrown in prison.

He’ll rule until he’s hauled out of the White House in a body bag and pass the reins to Bevis or Butthead or some other crony.

Uncle Sam

Vote for Democracy. Vote Joe Biden 2024.

UPDATE: Apparently Craig Hockenberry is thinking along the same lines as I am. Yeah, the Supreme Court needs to be very careful.

They really should just say “The law applies to everyone."

MAGA’s are all liars


Nearly a third of Republican caucusgoers told pollsters that Trump would not be “fit” for the presidency if he is convicted of a crime — a sizable defection that, if it held, would likely doom Trump’s general election chances

Look, the GOP is full of lying white supremacist nationalists. They’d vote for the lying-rapist-insurrectionist no matter what that orange sack of crap says.

I don’t believe it, nor should you. Vote. That’s all we can do because even if his orangeness is convicted of one or more crimes he’ll be allowed to campaign and possibly win. If he wins his federal convictions will be overturned. I have no idea what happens in Georgia? Perhaps he has a few political rivals knocked off, or just ignores court orders to report to jail and lets the Secret Service and his cult followers to protect him.

I fully expect Civil War of some kind to break out after the election no matter who wins. That is the saddest thing of all and I hope I’m so wrong and everyone calls me an idiot for saying it.

Red sock.How about some moderate Republicans approach Hakeem Jeffries and the Democrats and make a deal to make Jeffries Speaker of the House?

At least Democrats can govern and get stuff done.

We have stuff at home to take care of and wars on two fronts. Get to work y’all!